My Seeker Loans will guide you the hurdles of purchasing your first home we not only will consider all the above options but we will also select the right lender for you to make sure the process is efficient, effective and beneficial for you now and in the long term. Each of these categories are just some of the points to consider there are many more as well, so no wander you require an expert on your side to figure out the best solution. Lets focus on a couple of points from the above:
First Home Buyer
There are not only state grants but federal grants each offering funding to help you purchase your next property to find out more we have put together an easy guide to assist you which you can download here…
This may not be required depending on your income and servicing capacity however it is essential for you to build up wealth and we have provided you with a couple of easy tips to understand different savings strategies… download our easy savings tracker…
Credit Score
Checking your credit score is essential as each lender will either use this or not depending on their offer however it is great to know as this could save you money and to help you make sure everything is on track. At My Seeker Loans we can run this report at no costs to you but also help you with what you need to do moving forward as well… Request your report here…
Employment History
Now that you have checked the above let’s have a closer look at your employment history and what the banks would like to consider based on each level of employment status from self employed , casual to permanent positions. A quick snapshot of each category can be downloaded here…
Property Selection
Now that you are ready to purchase your property where, what type of property is your next hurdle to overcome. Now for a report of $499 we can provide you with a local report in your area and also some helpful tips to consider which we believe are essential when it comes to purchasing your property now and also in the future… Request this specific report now…
- 5% is usually enough to get you a start to looking into your first home or
- Non-refundable gift of 5%
- Rental ledger for 6 months
- Account history of 6 months with good conduct
- Credit score of 750 + is preferrable but not essential depending on deposit and which lender
- Family pledge, security provided by direct family member
- Grants provided across the state and federal
- Lifestyle budget is also essential to maintain and set
- Credit card limits and personal loans
- Superannuation savings scheme