In many cases structuring your loans and finances appropriately is about seeking who you are and your current life stage. Life is a journey and at My Seeker we want to be there for you to create a financial path which is smooth, clear and well planned to achieve your financial goals.
At MySeeker, we understand how daunting and difficult navigating different life stages can be.
In order to help you through each stage of life we have specialist brokers in the following areas to assist you:
- Residential
- First homebuyer
- Commercial
- Asset finance
- Business lending
What are the next steps from here?
Where are you now and where you want to be is all about goal setting. If you were to do what you are currently doing now how long will it take you to get there?
Understanding what you would like from a financial product is one thing but in order for our trusted advisors to educate you BEST we need to make sure we understand financial terms and the advantages and disadvantages or each.
In many cases all lenders will verify the information you provide. Therefore, during this finance application stage you will be required to provide documentation, sign legal documentation and transfer funds where required. Our trained staff can make this step nice and easy for you, so we can move with your application sooner and you get achieve your goal sooner.
Now that we have an approval we can now work towards settlement which will involve review of loan documents and work out transfer of funds. Our staff can assist you with this process but the main thing is also protection this asset you’ve work so hard to get. We can assist with this step as well: Car Insurance, Home Insurance, Land Lords Insurance, Personal Protection, Business Protection.
We provide ourselves on our service and your feedback is essential and the best way we know we have provided the best outcome is when our customers refer their family or friends or colleagues to us, so in order to show our appreciation every referral we receive you will get a rewarded from My Seeker as a thank you.
Thanks for your interest.
How can we help?
At MySeeker, we seek and find you the best outcome for selling or renting your properties, loans and insurance.
Fill in your details below and one of our highly trained and passionate agents will be in touch to assist with your needs.